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Does she
Make you feel wanted - like I did ?
Make you feel like you're the one thing that matters ?
You let her head rest - on your chest
But when you close your eyes
You'll be seeing my face again
I'll be crossing you mind
You'll be dreaming of places we went
And then you'll wake up to find
She's not me
She's not me
She's not me
She's not me
Make you feel wanted - like I did ?
Make you feel like you're the one thing that matters ?
You let her head rest - on your chest
But when you close your eyes
You'll be seeing my face again
I'll be crossing you mind
You'll be dreaming of places we went
And then you'll wake up to find
She's not me
She's not me
She's not me
She's not me
Lite bra musik så här på onsdagskvällen.